stop being angry!

"be still in the presence of the Lord, 
and wait patiently for Him to act. 
don't worry about evil people who prosper 
or fret about their wicked schemes.

stop being angry!
turn from your rage!"

(psalm 37:7-8, NLT)

it looks like it is unfair... actually the world is not fair... 
the wicked are getting prosperous and the righteous are getting like a fool.... 
kindness and honesty seem equivalent to stupidity and foolishness...

recently over years, i have been feeling angry... i don't know exactly at what i am mad or angry... 
mad at the unfair world? might be... but not exactly...  
more likely, it's at Him.... who controls everything... 

stop being angry... and wait for Him patiently... 
He will rescue us from every trouble and uncomfortness.... in His time... 

now, it's time to turn from our rage to Him... 
saying no to myself and what I want... and saying yes to Him and what He wants... 

then in His time, He will work....
He is the only hope... 

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