free...from bitterness....

because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.
(Romans 8:2, NIV)

today's message in the sunday service was 'free from past' or 'guilty-free life' or something like that... 
actually, i don't remember the title of the message. :( 
the passage was about king Joshia who was a grandson of Manasseh.  Manasseh was a son of Hezekiah and the worst king ever in Judah... 
rev. Jerry said we don't have to inherit everything from past... and we are not supposed to complain that not trying to be better. 

today's song was 'God will make a way' which was really touching...  it also said free to me..... 

i guess, He is telling me 'free from bitterness in my life.' 
bitterness ruins everything between Him and ourselves.. it prevents us from getting all the goodness from Him... 

but HOW??? 
it's hard... i need His grace... to step up... saying free... with a lot of courage... 
i need You... 

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