i will blame you Rick!

"Have you ever asked God for something and didn't expect to get it?
That's why you didn't get it. God works in our lives according to faith.
So many times we say, "God, please guide me!' and we walk away
not even waiting for guidance. We just immediately start to work.
We say, "God, I want you to give me wisdom, help me make the
right decision.' But we don't really expect Him to do that. We think
it all depends on us."
- Rick Warren from his ministry toolbox email.

God's words are usually abstract and vague... So that's why we need
pastors who can possibly interpret the words in our lives. If any pastor
says something abstract again so that we cannot understand, we don't
need that kind of pastor. Please say something specific specifically!
Not just "pray" or "love", but "how and what to pray or love."

Anyway, let me ask some specific things and expect them.
And, if it does not work, I will blame you Rick, not God. :(

BTW, I love his book "the purpose driven life." When I drive long
distance, I usually listen to his audio book over and over.

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