
i had a bad dream last night which caused me to wake up a couple of times.
actually, i am not sure if i actually waked up or dreamed a dream waking up.

the nightmare starts with a stupid thing that i was in korea to visit my family
but i couldn't come back to the states again because my passport, visa and
some other papers were all expired. i waked up and checked if i was in the
states (actually on my bed) and then got back to sleep again. i repeated this
several times. moreover, since i had to stay there in korea (in the dream),
i had some other bad things happening around me like i was involved with
a homicide. what the? ?

i had same kind of dreams a few more times before. usually in the previous
dreams, the beginning was that i missed the flight to come back. anyway,
i couldn't get back here and got freaked out. that's the same thing in all the
nightmares. i don't know why i keep having this kind of dreams. do i really
love to live here that bad? i don't know....

anyway, so, that's why i have been tired and sleepy all day


멍멍 said...

말한걸 모두 다 지키면서 살 수는 없을 것 같아요. 그냥 편하게 공부하세요. ^^

henry choi said...

네 ㅎㅎ 고맙습니다~ 멍멍언니도 편하게 공부하세요~ ㅎㅎ

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