living by faith...

For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed,
a righteousness that is by faith from first to last,
just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."
(Romans 1:17)

a righteousness is by faith from first to last... yes! "from first to last"
and the righteous will live by faith...

actually, it's kind of easy to die by faith...
and much easier than to live by faith...

when the author said 'the righteous will LIVE by faith' rather than
'the righteous will BE SAVED by faith' which is unfortunately the
way we usually get it, he must have understood the depth of suffering
by faith.

we as Christians have to live by faith... every single moment in our lives,
which is terribly hard so that we are always short of his standard and
would rather want to die feeling sorry for our selves.

how helpless and desperate are we...

our joy and pleasure seem to be beyond our understanding,
which seems like our eternal headache...

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