"Americans are by all measures a deeply religious people, but they are also
deeply ignorant about religion."
it's not just about Christianity... but about religion. we need to know better
about what others believe as well as our faith, since identity might be coming
from the difference, though it's not to distinguish others from us. it's more
likely about how to love them or serve them who are different from us
in this way or that way...
wealthy pastor???
i usually don't buy wealthy pastors... how could they be wealthy???
as always, i believe they should get paid no more than just the average (or median)
of the members' salary.
unfortunately, i can't believe him, the "pastor" Bishop Eddie Long, who is
a a luxury life in a palace-like house.
i hope my feeling about him is wrong...
it's sad... watching TV where people make fun of Christianity based on
such accidents.
i usually don't buy wealthy pastors... how could they be wealthy???
as always, i believe they should get paid no more than just the average (or median)
of the members' salary.
unfortunately, i can't believe him, the "pastor" Bishop Eddie Long, who is
a a luxury life in a palace-like house.
i hope my feeling about him is wrong...
it's sad... watching TV where people make fun of Christianity based on
such accidents.
i had a bad dream last night which caused me to wake up a couple of times.
actually, i am not sure if i actually waked up or dreamed a dream waking up.
the nightmare starts with a stupid thing that i was in korea to visit my family
but i couldn't come back to the states again because my passport, visa and
some other papers were all expired. i waked up and checked if i was in the
states (actually on my bed) and then got back to sleep again. i repeated this
several times. moreover, since i had to stay there in korea (in the dream),
i had some other bad things happening around me like i was involved with
a homicide. what the? ?
i had same kind of dreams a few more times before. usually in the previous
dreams, the beginning was that i missed the flight to come back. anyway,
i couldn't get back here and got freaked out. that's the same thing in all the
nightmares. i don't know why i keep having this kind of dreams. do i really
love to live here that bad? i don't know....
anyway, so, that's why i have been tired and sleepy all day
actually, i am not sure if i actually waked up or dreamed a dream waking up.
the nightmare starts with a stupid thing that i was in korea to visit my family
but i couldn't come back to the states again because my passport, visa and
some other papers were all expired. i waked up and checked if i was in the
states (actually on my bed) and then got back to sleep again. i repeated this
several times. moreover, since i had to stay there in korea (in the dream),
i had some other bad things happening around me like i was involved with
a homicide. what the? ?
i had same kind of dreams a few more times before. usually in the previous
dreams, the beginning was that i missed the flight to come back. anyway,
i couldn't get back here and got freaked out. that's the same thing in all the
nightmares. i don't know why i keep having this kind of dreams. do i really
love to live here that bad? i don't know....
anyway, so, that's why i have been tired and sleepy all day
resistance in my brain...
how stupid am i! i feel like there is a huge resistance in my brain so that i can't
think clearly...logic does not flow and imagination is not there any more. even
a simple calculation seems too hard.
why am i getting more and more stupid? dang it!
think clearly...logic does not flow and imagination is not there any more. even
a simple calculation seems too hard.
why am i getting more and more stupid? dang it!
오늘 이곳에서 인터뷰 이후 처음으로 발표를 했더랬습니다. 세미나 수업시간에
30분 정도 하는 거였는데, 몇일을 몹시 긴장했더랬습니다... 전공분야도 다르고
수업에 참석하는 사람들도 심리학 출신들이고 해서 걱정이 많았더랬죠... 무엇보다
지도교수님이 아직 절 반신반의 하고 있는 상황이라 더 걱정이 많았던것 같습니다.
기도하며 시작했습니다. 그리고 발표를 시작하자, 걱정보다는 평안해지더군요...
발표 중간중간 기도하며 했습니다... 그리고 끝나고 나서는 30분 예정했던 것이
1시간을 넘겼더군요... 결과도 나름 긍정적이였습니다...
발표중간(교수님이 추가로 뭔가 이야기하실때) 기도하면서 이런 생각이 들더군요...
"내가 참 교만했었구나... 그래서 하나님이 나를 이렇게 산산조각 내셨구나... "
포항에선 발표하는 것때문에 이렇게 긴장한 적이 없었습니다. 발표중에 기도한
적도 없었던 것 같습니다... 늘 발표하는 걸 좋아했고 자신있어 했었더랬습니다...
보스턴에 있을 때 자주 했던 생각이 있습니다. "내가 자신있다 했던 것들, 하나님이
다 무너뜨리시는구나..." 발표중에 이 생각도 나더군요...
무너뜨리는 분이 하나님이라는 사실은 은혜입니다. 그분이 더 좋은 것들로 세우실
것이라는 믿음... 때문이겠지요...
한몇일 긴장해서 그러는지 다른 이유 때문인지 몇일째 두통이 불편하게 있습니다.
아직 학교나 집이나 세팅이 다 안돼서 어디든 어수선 합니다. 가구도 사야하고
인터넷이랑 케이블로 세팅해야하고 자동차나 면허증도 옮겨야 하고, 학교에서도
아직 처리해야할 행정적인 것들이 남아 있습니다.
30분 정도 하는 거였는데, 몇일을 몹시 긴장했더랬습니다... 전공분야도 다르고
수업에 참석하는 사람들도 심리학 출신들이고 해서 걱정이 많았더랬죠... 무엇보다
지도교수님이 아직 절 반신반의 하고 있는 상황이라 더 걱정이 많았던것 같습니다.
기도하며 시작했습니다. 그리고 발표를 시작하자, 걱정보다는 평안해지더군요...
발표 중간중간 기도하며 했습니다... 그리고 끝나고 나서는 30분 예정했던 것이
1시간을 넘겼더군요... 결과도 나름 긍정적이였습니다...
발표중간(교수님이 추가로 뭔가 이야기하실때) 기도하면서 이런 생각이 들더군요...
"내가 참 교만했었구나... 그래서 하나님이 나를 이렇게 산산조각 내셨구나... "
포항에선 발표하는 것때문에 이렇게 긴장한 적이 없었습니다. 발표중에 기도한
적도 없었던 것 같습니다... 늘 발표하는 걸 좋아했고 자신있어 했었더랬습니다...
보스턴에 있을 때 자주 했던 생각이 있습니다. "내가 자신있다 했던 것들, 하나님이
다 무너뜨리시는구나..." 발표중에 이 생각도 나더군요...
무너뜨리는 분이 하나님이라는 사실은 은혜입니다. 그분이 더 좋은 것들로 세우실
것이라는 믿음... 때문이겠지요...
한몇일 긴장해서 그러는지 다른 이유 때문인지 몇일째 두통이 불편하게 있습니다.
아직 학교나 집이나 세팅이 다 안돼서 어디든 어수선 합니다. 가구도 사야하고
인터넷이랑 케이블로 세팅해야하고 자동차나 면허증도 옮겨야 하고, 학교에서도
아직 처리해야할 행정적인 것들이 남아 있습니다.
happy and authentic Christian...
This is from Alan Pope's email, who is an authentic Christian from the North Central Church of Christ.
I am putting it up here 'cause I wanted to just share it with others too... with his permission :)
"... I have absolutely no doubt that God has plans for you that exceed what you are now able to perceive. I
believe He calls us (as Christians) to be faithful in our daily lives...even when we don't feel like it...even if we
have doubts and skepticism. If we remain faithful, making the daily choice to follow God's principles of
living...I believe he will guide us, protect us and bless us in ways that we would not ever know if we had
chosen to follow our selfish desires apart from God instead. It is our choice. He gives us free will and that is
absolutely required if our Christian faith is to be truly "AUTHENTIC".
As we discussed together, I believe the key to experiencing a happy life as a Christian is not merely a
command of Bible "knowledge", but in the wisdom of it's application in "real world living". And that is not
possible (in a sustainable manner), without developing a "RELATIONSHIP" with God. In my opinion, it is not
possible to develop an "AUTHENTIC" relationship with God unless you are communicating with him daily,
continuously and in every aspect of your life, as if you were speaking to your closest friend and confidant. At
first this may seem awkward and unnatural. The nature of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is difficult to
capture in your mind. But, if you can visualize in your mind the image of God (as your loving holy Father) or
as Jesus (your Savior and advocate), it is easier to pray to Him as a living entity...a friend with whom you
have no secrets. When we choose to include Him in our every thought and in our every concern, worry, fear,
joy, hope, anticipation, etc.—he becomes a part of you and connected in an increasingly "real" way. Over
time, through prayer, I believe you will begin to sense God's holy Spirit indwelling you...guiding and leading
you. This is subtle, yet amazing and very comforting to experience. Your faith (and confidence) grows and
strengthens as a result and you know you are truly NOT alone and that NO problem will overcome you.
The concept of a "HAPPY" Christian life is most certainly attainable. I believe it starts with your sincere
commitment of faith. It is nurtured through your daily re-commitment to that faith as the foundation of your
"world view" and "life choices". It develops through continuous prayer and a conscious awareness that your
life's journey is a series of choices that YOU make in response to what life "throws your way".
The Bible says to "consider it all joy" when you face various trials and tribulations. This is a hard concept to
understand. How can we be joyful when life is hard? I believe, as a Christian, that JOY comes from the
knowledge that you are NOT ALONE; that God is with you; and that in the midst of the "hard times", when
we make good choices (Godly choices) in response...we are becoming stronger in our faith, stronger as a
person, better equipped to succeed in the future, better able to influence and encourage others when they too
experience hard times. Ultimately we are pleasing God with our good choices, with our strengthening faith and
as a result, I believe God blesses us because of our faithfulness in many ways (peace, security, fulfillment,
happiness, friendships, experiences, material blessings, health, opportunities, etc.). "
I am putting it up here 'cause I wanted to just share it with others too... with his permission :)
"... I have absolutely no doubt that God has plans for you that exceed what you are now able to perceive. I
believe He calls us (as Christians) to be faithful in our daily lives...even when we don't feel like it...even if we
have doubts and skepticism. If we remain faithful, making the daily choice to follow God's principles of
living...I believe he will guide us, protect us and bless us in ways that we would not ever know if we had
chosen to follow our selfish desires apart from God instead. It is our choice. He gives us free will and that is
absolutely required if our Christian faith is to be truly "AUTHENTIC".
As we discussed together, I believe the key to experiencing a happy life as a Christian is not merely a
command of Bible "knowledge", but in the wisdom of it's application in "real world living". And that is not
possible (in a sustainable manner), without developing a "RELATIONSHIP" with God. In my opinion, it is not
possible to develop an "AUTHENTIC" relationship with God unless you are communicating with him daily,
continuously and in every aspect of your life, as if you were speaking to your closest friend and confidant. At
first this may seem awkward and unnatural. The nature of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is difficult to
capture in your mind. But, if you can visualize in your mind the image of God (as your loving holy Father) or
as Jesus (your Savior and advocate), it is easier to pray to Him as a living entity...a friend with whom you
have no secrets. When we choose to include Him in our every thought and in our every concern, worry, fear,
joy, hope, anticipation, etc.—he becomes a part of you and connected in an increasingly "real" way. Over
time, through prayer, I believe you will begin to sense God's holy Spirit indwelling you...guiding and leading
you. This is subtle, yet amazing and very comforting to experience. Your faith (and confidence) grows and
strengthens as a result and you know you are truly NOT alone and that NO problem will overcome you.
The concept of a "HAPPY" Christian life is most certainly attainable. I believe it starts with your sincere
commitment of faith. It is nurtured through your daily re-commitment to that faith as the foundation of your
"world view" and "life choices". It develops through continuous prayer and a conscious awareness that your
life's journey is a series of choices that YOU make in response to what life "throws your way".
The Bible says to "consider it all joy" when you face various trials and tribulations. This is a hard concept to
understand. How can we be joyful when life is hard? I believe, as a Christian, that JOY comes from the
knowledge that you are NOT ALONE; that God is with you; and that in the midst of the "hard times", when
we make good choices (Godly choices) in response...we are becoming stronger in our faith, stronger as a
person, better equipped to succeed in the future, better able to influence and encourage others when they too
experience hard times. Ultimately we are pleasing God with our good choices, with our strengthening faith and
as a result, I believe God blesses us because of our faithfulness in many ways (peace, security, fulfillment,
happiness, friendships, experiences, material blessings, health, opportunities, etc.). "
"start from the bottom"
Mr. Schwartz said.
“He’s at the bottom, but how can you build a house if you don’t start from the bottom?”
- from
“He’s at the bottom, but how can you build a house if you don’t start from the bottom?”
- from