"Christ consciousness"


what the hack is this 'Christ consciousness'? what kind of crap is that?
maybe, some "intelligent" people want to make something new?
Paul said that if anybody makes something new rather than he taught,
he/she will be cursed, even Paul himself or an angel from God...

the gospel is very simple and should be simple...
otherwise, it's not a gospel that a bunch of fishermen could live and die for...

they say, 'Christ consciousness' is "the consciousness of a human being
who has reached a higher level of evolutionary development"
it's already contradiction. "evolution" and "reaching a higher level"? 
they say, Jesus came to show how to live not how to die... 
that is, they say we can imitate Him to reach a higher level so that 
we can evolve to the next level... 

He came here to die for us not to show some sophisticated life style or 
some intelligent higher consciousness. He was and is and will be enough 
even for not well learned people like Peter and me...

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