pay attention, then you will get happier.

the article above is very interesting to us, Christians.
it says basically 'daydreaming makes you less happier
and focus on something then you will be happier.'

maybe that's why people in love are happy because they pay lots of attention
to their lover. actually, the Bible supports this idea. the Bible says "fix your eyes
upon Jesus" and the article says you will be happier. and the Bible also says
"if people can't see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves but
when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed"
(Proverb 29:18,  the Message)

anyway, according to the article, pay attention to whatever. and according to
the Bible, it's even better if it is God that you pay attention to...

one thing more that the article says is
"when people wander they are just as likely to wander toward negative thoughts"
and it seems totally true...

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