what i am thankful for

비오는 토요일 늦은 밤...
바람을 쐬야 겠다... 싶어 커피하우스를 왔는데...
할 일들 잔뜩 들고와서는 컴퓨터를 켜는데 마음은 안 열린다...
카페인이 부족해서 일게야... 암... 그럴게야...

i am thankful for that
1. i have lots of nice friends... whom i can talk to and sometimes somehow rely on...
2. i have things to do... whether they are meaningful or not, they are anyway supposed to be done...
and they are more importantly things i can make money from...
3. i am so weak that i should not be proud of myself...
4. my faith that He has a plan for my life is alive still... though it is really tiny small....

no matter whatever, i am still in Him... that's my hope...
yes.. it is by the grace of God that i am what i am
but i don't know how to "boast of the things that show my weakness."
since my weakness is so shameful that i cannot appreciate anything that shows it.

dang it!

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