"anyone born of God" is safe...

We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin;
the one who was born of God keeps him safe, and the evil one cannot harm him.
(1 John 5:18, NIV)
this is not about "sin," this is about "life," the life or death problem...
we know, we all who were born of God keep sinning...
but also we know we all who were born of God is safe and the evil one cannot harm or even touch us.

this is the beautiful secret of being a Christian... or putting our faith IN Him.
even though i am still a sinner, i am "FINE."

one thing more about this kind of things,
someone said that 'repent' can be defined by 'feel sorry enough to quit.'
he also added that we need a help out of us to quit.

we have our faith in Him and we need a help out of Him...
this might be another reason why He is "alpha and omega"... and "beginning and ending"...

thanks be to God.

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