This is from Alan Pope's email, who is an authentic Christian from the North Central Church of Christ.
I am putting it up here 'cause I wanted to just share it with others too... with his permission :)
"... I have absolutely no doubt that God has plans for you that exceed what you are now able to perceive. I
believe He calls us (as Christians) to be faithful in our daily lives...even when we don't feel like it...even if we
have doubts and skepticism. If we remain faithful, making the daily choice to follow God's principles of
living...I believe he will guide us, protect us and bless us in ways that we would not ever know if we had
chosen to follow our selfish desires apart from God instead. It is our choice. He gives us free will and that is
absolutely required if our Christian faith is to be truly "AUTHENTIC".
As we discussed together, I believe
the key to experiencing a happy life as a Christian is not merely a
command of Bible "knowledge", but in the wisdom of it's application in "real world living". And that is not
possible (in a sustainable manner), without developing a "RELATIONSHIP" with God. In my opinion, it is not
possible to develop an "AUTHENTIC" relationship with God unless you are communicating with him daily,
continuously and in every aspect of your life, as if you were speaking to your closest friend and confidant. At
first this may seem awkward and unnatural. The nature of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is difficult to
capture in your mind. But, if you can visualize in your mind the image of God (as your loving holy Father) or
as Jesus (your Savior and advocate), it is easier to pray to Him as a living entity...a friend with whom you
have no secrets. When we choose to include Him in our every thought and in our every concern, worry, fear,
joy, hope, anticipation, etc.—he becomes a part of you and connected in an increasingly "real" way. Over
time, through prayer, I believe you will begin to sense God's holy Spirit indwelling you...guiding and leading
you. This is subtle, yet amazing and very comforting to experience. Your faith (and confidence) grows and
strengthens as a result and you know you are truly NOT alone and that NO problem will overcome you.
The concept of a "HAPPY" Christian life is most certainly attainable. I believe it starts with your sincere
commitment of faith. It is nurtured through your daily re-commitment to that faith as the foundation of your
"world view" and "life choices". It develops through continuous prayer and a conscious awareness that your
life's journey is a series of choices that YOU make in response to what life "throws your way".
The Bible says to "consider it all joy" when you face various trials and tribulations. This is a hard concept to
understand. How can we be joyful when life is hard? I believe, as a Christian, that JOY comes from the
knowledge that you are NOT ALONE; that God is with you; and that in the midst of the "hard times", when
we make good choices (Godly choices) in response...we are becoming stronger in our faith, stronger as a
person, better equipped to succeed in the future, better able to influence and encourage others when they too
experience hard times. Ultimately we are pleasing God with our good choices, with our strengthening faith and
as a result, I believe God blesses us because of our faithfulness in many ways (peace, security, fulfillment,
happiness, friendships, experiences, material blessings, health, opportunities, etc.). "